Messias, Holmens Kirke 2019 (English)


There is no correct way of performing the ‘Messiah’. In his recurring Christmas concerts, Mogens Dahl has long made it convincing in his very own way. Again this year, it was with an English elite orchestra and the conductor’s chamber choir and, amongst the soloists, the soprano Julia Doyle made her particular significant mark on the performances.

It was a Messiah on a high professional level. There were exquisite choral singing and fine soloists. One of the world’s leading orchestras of its kind was there as well as a conductor who had full control of the unfolding events. And he, Mogens Dahl, is the one to thank for this longstanding tradition in Holmens Church of inviting to an internati­onal Handel festival with musical resources which are matched by only a few in this country.

‘[…] actually a very un-Danish way to grandstand. […] Maybe one needs to be born in North Jutland, in Thisted, more specifically, to be perky enough to not give a dart about the specific who-do-you-think-you-are attitude further east and, with that attitude, Mogens Dahl has enjoyed incredible success with his many projects, including the Messiah.’

‘Mogens Dahl masterly formed the mighty passion triptych with three choirs en suite after the aforementioned alto aria to allow the textual contents and structure of the various movement to shine clearly and tastefully. Fortunately, the Hallelujah choir did not explode in the massive pressure to which one is often exposed. On the contrary, the euphoria was sufficiently contained and the ending was dimmed rather than an explosion. However, the conductor ensured a magnificent ending to it all as the excellent orchestra and choir let loose during the last bars of the Amen choir where the church organ also contributed with a surprising reinforcement. ‘

Valdemar Lønsted, Information, 11 December 2019